Shell-shocked on Sanna Bay!Ewan MilesJun 22, 20161 min readWatching Ringed Plovers and Red-throated Divers on Sanna Bay during our Ardnamurchan Tour. We observed a Ringed Plover carry away its eggshell from the nest to draw the scent away from predators. #NatureScotland #ArdnamurchanWildlifeTour #EwanMiles #WildlifeTours #WildlifeBlog
Watching Ringed Plovers and Red-throated Divers on Sanna Bay during our Ardnamurchan Tour. We observed a Ringed Plover carry away its eggshell from the nest to draw the scent away from predators. #NatureScotland #ArdnamurchanWildlifeTour #EwanMiles #WildlifeTours #WildlifeBlog