Returning Sanderling...Ewan MilesAug 6, 20161 min read We had the lovely sight of Sanderling and Dunlin on an Ardnamurchan Tour last week. These birds could be failed breeders or younger birds coming into breeding condition. We also saw an Iceland Gull on the ferry over along with Harbour Porpoise. #NatureScotland #EwanMiles #ArdnamurchanWildlifeTour #ArdnamurchanWildlife #WildlifeBlog #WildlifeTours
We had the lovely sight of Sanderling and Dunlin on an Ardnamurchan Tour last week. These birds could be failed breeders or younger birds coming into breeding condition. We also saw an Iceland Gull on the ferry over along with Harbour Porpoise. #NatureScotland #EwanMiles #ArdnamurchanWildlifeTour #ArdnamurchanWildlife #WildlifeBlog #WildlifeTours