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Islay Spring Wildlife Expedition: 3rd-7th March 2025


3rd - first afternoon

We all met at the ferry terminal and started with the ferry trip to Port Askaig.

Through West Loch Tarbert we had Great-Northern and Red-throated Divers, Black

Guillemots, Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Common Scoter, a few Goldeneye, Eiders and a

few Harbour Seals.

Down the Sound of Islay, there were a fair few Red Deer on the moors of Jura.

Heading straight off the ferry to the east coast on the lower tide to look for Otters. Sadly no

sign but Harbour and Grey Seals there along with lots of Shags offshore and a few Black

Guillemots. Next onto a fresh water loch which was surprisingly quiet, just a Goosander, 2 Tufted

Ducks, 3 Goldeneye there of note.

Round to Loch Indaal there were large numbers of gulls and common waders

including 4 Greenshank and our first sizeable flocks of Barnacle Geese of note.

We noticed a good sunset brewing, so headed onto Machir bay for the last of the light.

A large gull flock was there roosting, mostly Common Gulls and a flock of 10 Ringed Plover.

Back to our accommodation at Kilchoman to settle in for night 1.

4th - Day 2

We kicked the day off in style with 2 Chough from the house whilst 2 more flew over

the ridge behind us!

Heading around the north side of the loch. A few Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Stonechats

and Skylarks were in the roadside fields, along with flyover Buzzards and Ravens.

Next onto a windy north coast, we quickly found 8 Chough from the van, but they didn't hang

around. A large flock of Barnacle Geese were by the loch with 5 Canada Geese in tow. 5

Whooper Swans, 2 Goldeneye and a few Teal were on the loch.

On our walk out to the dunes, we had a mixed flock of Golden Plover and Bar-tailed Godwit.

Reaching the coast, there was a busy flock of 40 Sanderling and 3 Purple Sandpipers on the

rocks. A distant juvenile Golden Eagle appeared over the large Grey Seal on Nave island but

didn’t hang around long. On our way back, we had more brief views of the Choughs.

Driving towards Loch Gruinart, a Male Hen Harrier dashed close past the van and a few Roe

deer were in the nearby fields.

After lunch, we scanned the flooded fields finding lots of Barnacle, Greenland White-

fronted Geese and a few of the common wader species. Theo then spotted a Russian White-

fronted goose, an island scarcity amongst its cousins the Greenlanders, offering great close

comparison views.

On the east side of the loch, we found a few Little Egrets and more common ducks and

waders, including a Grey Plover of note.

Trying to find the goose flocks, we headed to the head of Loch Indaal. A pair of White-tailed

Eagles were sitting on a small island on the shoreline.

A brief stop in the Bowmore co-op before heading for home via the flats once again

and local loch.

5th - Day 3

First stop was a coastal walk on a close by beach where Ewan quickly spotted a big dog Otter

fishing out in the bay. It brought several fish into shore, making light work of the sea swell.

Heading back to the vehicle, we happened upon a group of 5 Brown Hares which briefly

boxed for us. Back at the van, 30 Chough appeared on the nearby slope feeding busily!

We received word of 2 Snow Buntings nearby on a nearby beach so raced round but after

a thorough search, there was no sign.

Back to base for lunch before heading back to a loch. On arriving at the centre a

large group of Barnacle Geese dropped in and Theo swiftly picked out a smart Red-Breasted

Goose in the flock, we all got decent scope views. Scanning through the rest of the flock,

Theo then spotted a rarity, a Richardsons Cackling Goose, a Nature Scotland tour first and

everyone, including the guides!

After that excitement we wandered down to the hides, finding the common duck species

including Pintail, Shoveler and Gadwall, Whooper Swans and a Black-tailed Godwit. We

noticed a commotion before a small male Peregrine flew through, lifting the ducks and

chasing a Skylark unsuccessfully, then settling distantly out on the marshes.

We then headed back to base with 28! Brown Hares in the roadside fields on the way.

6th - Day 4

A day in the south of the island beckoned, but first the local Choughs were once again flying

around the house!

First stop was Bowmore for a scan of the slightly choppy Loch Indaal. A couple of Slavonian

Grebes and a Long-tailed Duck were the highlights there.

A few Fallow Deer were in the fields further south, and a family party of Greenland White-fronts.

After a quick look at the scenic Laggan Bay we made a last minute decision to head to the

bays of the SE proved worthwhile as 2 Adult White-tailed Eagles flew over the road soon

after starting. A few Harbour seals were on the skerries close to shore and a few Red Deer in

the nearby fields.

Onto lunch, we had a flyover Grey Wagtail before an Adult Golden Eagle appeared

on the skyline drifting over the edge when a 2nd Adult Golden eagle appeared, allowing all to

enjoy in the scope. A flock of 21 Whoopers flew over heading north, maybe the start of their

long journey.

Next we headed for for SW, after a quick distillery stop. 5 Twite were on the feeders

at the car park. A very windy walk was highlighted by a Golden Eagle soaring out of a nearby

ravine and up onto the peaks to our south.

We headed for home from there but not soon after leaving the reserve a Male Hen Harrier

flew across the road and nearby field for all to see, a fine end to the day.

7th: Last day

Finally, a calm day! We packed up and left the house early for a scan of Loch Indaal.

The mirror calm waters revealed a possible Islay record of 34 Long-tailed ducks inc a few

lovely males. Also, Slavonian Grebes, G-N and R-T Divers, R-B Mergansers, Common

Scoter and Eiders feeding busily.

A bit of change of plan for the last day saw us take an adventure to Jura.

Less than 20mins onto Jura we spotted a Kestrel in a pine block which alerted us to the

presence of 3 Crossbills nearby. A Juvenile Golden Eagle briefly popped up on a hill behind

us before, a pair of Adult Golden Eagles appeared on the near hillside, showing fantastically

in the sunshine!

Arriving in Craighouse bay a few Harbour Seals were hauled out on the near shore rocks,

before we spotted a dog Otter fishing further out beyond them in the bay. Several G-N and

R-T divers were also out in the flat, calm waters.

Further up the road, we spotted a male Hen Harrier sitting in the grass on the roadside which

duly lifted, giving a flyby from the van.

Time for refreshments, we found a scenic spot and parked up. Tea was first interrupted with

a few Harbour Porpoise out in the Sound of Jura. A ringtail Hen Harrier lifted from the high

ground above before being joined by a 2nd ringtail Hen Harrier. The gulls then alerted us to a

young White-tailed Eagle flying beneath us above the sea, A really unique view for all! We

eventually got round to tea and cake…

Back down to Craighouse we had a brief stop in the distillery before heading back down for

the ferry. Just before the ferry Ewan shouted from the back there was a young White-tailed

Eagle sitting on the ground barely 30m from us, it gave great views from the van before

being flushed by a passing lorry.

Back to Port Askaig for the next ferry. Aboard the Finlaggan back to the mainland. We had a

few Pale-bellied Brent Geese on the Jura shoreline.

Finishing with West Loch Tarbert from the ferry, we had a few Kittiwakes at the outer

entrance along with G-N and R-T Divers, 2 Slavonian Grebes, Goldeneyes and R-B

Mergansers. We said our goodbyes at the terminal after a successful 5-day adventure. Theo


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