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Nature Nerds...

Ewan Miles

Another great week of nature tours provided here on the Isle of Mull. Jack and Klay led all the day tours this week and shared a large mix of species with our guests. Golden Eagles (pictured) were encountered on most tours, although sadly a known territory have failed again this year, with thoughts that the female is quite an old bird and possibly was sitting on infertile eggs again.

WT Eagles appear to be having a productive breeding season this year, with a lot of pairs still active, and we are informed that some have 2 chicks, so busy parents!

It is a truly wonderful time for enjoying some of the smaller species, and we have managed to see species including Four-spotted Chaser Dragonflies (pictured), Golden-ringed Dragonfly and Large Red Damselflies.

The Red Deer (pictured) are in their beautiful summer coats, and we have seen the first calves on the moors.

We will share more of our wild encounters during the next few days, stay tuned!

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