Monday 22nd - Friday 26th July 2024
DAY ONE – Welcome & Sunset Hike
After meeting at the hotel and having our first evening meal together, we headed out on to local moors for our first walk of the week. On route to the walking location, we were treated to 3 Black-throated Divers showing superbly in golden light! A non-breeding bird on Mull and only c200 pairs breed in the UK, all in Scotland.
Once undertaking the walk, we had some distant views of Hen Harriers and then watched an adult Red-throated Diver with chick on moorland lochan. A beautiful Hebridean sunset ended our first day together.
DAY TWO - Boat tour & NE Mull
We boarded the Rathlin Express for our 4 hour Sea Life Mull excursion. Harbour Porpoise and Common Dolphins as we cruised westerly and as we entered the ‘middle grounds’ between Coll and Ardnamurchan, the skipper James spotted two very large fins to the south....ORCAS!! We were very privileged to be watching Killer Whales, John Coe and Aquarius as they steamed north with the Ardnamurchan lighthouse in the backdrop, a truly wonderful encounter!
White-tailed Eagles showed very well as we sailed back easterly towards Tobermory. Other seabird species included Manx Shearwater, Common Guillemot, Razorbill, Kittiwake, Puffins, Storm Petrel and Great Skua.
In the afternoon we headed out to local moors to do a leisurely walk in the sunshine. Green Tiger Beetles were a highlight and we also watched their larvae! Hen Harriers
hunting on nearby moors and we also saw Bullfinch, Redpoll and Siskin. Grass-of- Parnassus was seen in flower during the walk.
DAY THREE - Central Mull
We undertook a walk in the central moors of Mull to an abandoned settlement. The weather was a tad drizzly but it did not dampen our spirits. We saw Hen Harriers, including re- cently fledged juveniles. Reed Buntings, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were also seen. Botanical notes included Round leaved Sundew, Common Butterwort, Bog Asphodel, Cross-leaved Heath and much more.
In the late afternoon, we checked a local White-tailed Eagle territory and enjoyed great views of them perched up in nearby conifers. This pair has bred successfully this year, with two fledglings.
Todays focus was south east Mull and a big focus on otters and golden eagles. We under- took our walk through beautiful coastline, fringed with gnarly oaks and got rewarded with two Otters and two Golden Eagles along with Spotted Flycatchers and carnivorous plants, Pale Butterwort and Round-leaved Sundew.
On the way back north we called into a site and managed to see and hear a small party of Crossbills.
DAY FIVE - Final day
On the final day we did a walk along a beautiful Hebridean estate taking in the dramatic landscapes all around us. After a bit of persevering, we got rewarded with two Golden Eagles displaying and interacting on a high altitude ridge. Shortly afterwards, we spotted an adult and recently fledged White-tailed Eagle on the far side of the loch. Lunch together alongside a nearby sea loch and then it was back to the hotel to say our goodbyes.